Staff vs. 5th Grade Softball Game

Lower Field

Root for our 5th Graders as they take on the staff tomorrow morning at our annual end-of-year game, just after assembly!

Reading Partners End-of-Year Event

Reading Center (Bungalow 25)

We would like to thank everyone for helping us make Reading Partners a successful program at Don Benito Fundamental School.

Dodger Day at Don Benito!

It's that time of the year to show pride in our LA Dodgers by sending your Bobcats to school on

Kinder Spotlight Awards

Kindergarten Playground

Come out to cheer on our Kindergarten achievers at the last Spotlight Awards of the Year!

Spring Choral Concert

Upper Playground

This year, our staff is trying something new. The Spring Concert will be performed outside in the upper playground to

Please note: this calendar is subject to change without notice.